Quincha panels on site

We are definitely going into the hot phase of the workshop Design and Build with Wattle-and-Daub and Light Straw. The second week is over, after some hours of hard work and fascinating discoveries about our principal material, the earth. We are proud to announce that we made impressive progress!

The pavillon is starting to have the designed shape, thanks to the quincha panels all installed on site, grafted to the main structure that were built during the first week. The first layer of the wall is now completed, with both internal and external “earth+sand+straw” covering done.

The yellow windows were also completed, mainly thanks to the irreplaceable help of our Spanish participant, a professional carpenter. One of the windows has a special story: the participants took the decision to change the project and open the view on the old town of Casaprota, and the glass was kindly offered from a local inhabitant.

We ultimately started with the light straw wall. We experienced the behaviour of the local earth mixed with straw, figuring out which is the rigth percentage of water and pressure needed to apply into the wooden formwork.

Thanks to LearnBIØN and Architettura a Kilometro Zero, Casaprota is turning itself into an unusual meeting point for both professional and curious about earth and zero impact buildings.


Field Trip – Earth Houses in Abruzzo


BIØNTalks n° 1